BBMATIC HELP Jump to [ How To Add A Comment ] [ How To Add A Subject ]

Whether you have a question, a comment or an opinion, don't hesitate to participate! The following step-by step instructions explain how it's done:

Important: You can not use HTML tags in any field for linking or formatting purposes. Any HTML tags are converted to their numeric ampersand equivalents of &amp; &quot; &lt; and &gt; . This protects the contents of everyone's posts from possible "live" execution of incorrectly-entered HTML code. For example: <B>Text</B> will be displayed as <B>Text</B> and not Text.

Thanks for your thoughts!

How To Add A Comment:

When you want to comment on an open (on the main page) subject, use the "Add A Comment" feature. Beneath the text of the posting you will find a link titled Add Comment On This Subject. Click the link and you will get the correct form to complete so that your comment is posted ..

The Message is a free text field that can hold up to 5 KB (over 5 pages!) so feel free to express yourself. There is plenty of room. But PLEASE don't post "test" messages.

The Name field can contain your personal or company name. Use whichever you prefer to be known as. Maximum length is 50 characters.

The E-Mail Address field should be a valid Internet Email Address. Although partially confirmed, it's up to you to make sure it's valid. Maximum length is 50 characters.

When you press POST IT!, the program checks that you entered the basics above, then adds your name, date and a few words from your comments onto the main page, and prints the full text of your posting on the comments page for your subject.

If an error is detected, you will get on-screen instructions for correcting it. Otherwise you should see a "Thank You" message and a hyperlink to get you back to the main BBS page.

How To Add A Subject:

You can originate discussion of a NEW subject using the "Add A Subject" feature. Use the form on the main BBS page. In choosing a subject, please try to stay within context of the forum as stated at the top of this page.

The Subject should describe the subject matter of your posting in as few words as possible, but allow anyone to get a general idea of the content when seeing the subject. Maximum length is 100 characters so you can type past the end of the input box.

The Message is a free text field that can hold up to 5 KB (over 5 pages!) so feel free to express yourself. There is plenty of room. But PLEASE don't post "test" messages.

The Name field can contain your personal or company name. Use whichever you prefer to be known as. Maximum length is 50 characters.

The E-Mail Address field should be a valid Internet Email Address. Although partially confirmed, it's up to you to make sure it's valid. Maximum length is 50 characters.

When you press POST IT!, the program checks that you entered the basics above, then prints your posting on the main page above the previous subject. A link is added for anyone who wants to add a followup comment to your subject.

If an error is detected, you will get on-screen instructions for correcting it. Otherwise you should see a "Thank You" message and a hyperlink to get you back to the main page.

BBMATIC BBS FOR THE WEB is one of Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!